State management
Get has two different state managers: the simple state manager (we'll call it GetBuilder) and the reactive state manager (GetX/Obx)
Reactive State Manager
Reactive programming can alienate many people because it is said to be complicated. GetX turns reactive programming into something quite simple:
- You won't need to create StreamControllers.
- You won't need to create a StreamBuilder for each variable
- You will not need to create a class for each state.
- You will not need to create a get for an initial value.
- You will not need to use code generators
Reactive programming with Get is as easy as using setState.
Let's imagine that you have a name variable and want that every time you change it, all widgets that use it are automatically changed.
This is your count variable:
var name = 'Jonatas Borges';
To make it observable, you just need to add ".obs" to the end of it:
var name = 'Jonatas Borges'.obs;
And in the UI, when you want to show that value and update the screen whenever the values changes, simply do this:
Obx(() => Text("${}"));
That's all. It's that simple.
More details about state management
See an more in-depth explanation of state management here. There you will see more examples and also the difference between the simple state manager and the reactive state manager
You will get a good idea of GetX power.