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Dependency management

Get has a simple and powerful dependency manager that allows you to retrieve the same class as your Bloc or Controller with just 1 lines of code, no Provider context, no inheritedWidget:

Controller controller = Get.put(Controller()); // Rather Controller controller = Controller();
  • Note: If you are using Get's State Manager, pay more attention to the bindings API, which will make it easier to connect your view to your controller.

Instead of instantiating your class within the class you are using, you are instantiating it within the Get instance, which will make it available throughout your App. So you can use your controller (or class Bloc) normally

Tip: Get dependency management is decoupled from other parts of the package, so if for example, your app is already using a state manager (any one, it doesn't matter), you don't need to rewrite it all, you can use this dependency injection with no problems at all


Imagine that you have navigated through numerous routes, and you need data that was left behind in your controller, you would need a state manager combined with the Provider or Get_it, correct? Not with Get. You just need to ask Get to "find" for your controller, you don't need any additional dependencies:

Controller controller = Get.find();
//Yes, it looks like Magic, Get will find your controller, and will deliver it to you. You can have 1 million controllers instantiated, Get will always give you the right controller.

And then you will be able to recover your controller data that was obtained back there:


More details about dependency management

See a more in-depth explanation of dependency management here